Important Legal Information
This is not an offer to sell, or solicitation of offers to buy, securities. Investments in any real estate private equity fund can be made only pursuant to such fund’s subscription documents and private placement memorandum and after careful consideration of the risk factors set forth therein. Investment in real estate and real estate derivatives entails significant risks and is suitable only for certain investors as part of an overall diversified investment strategy and only for investors able to withstand a total loss of investment. Access to this website is available only to investors who meet statutory qualifications as “accredited investors” and “qualified purchasers” under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended and the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, respectively.
Unless otherwise indicated, returns are presented on a gross basis and do not reflect any expenses, management fees or incentive allocations which in the aggregate may be substantial and have the effect of reducing returns. References to indexes and NCREIF benchmarks are hypothetical illustrations of aggregate returns and do not reflect the performance of any actual investment. nvestors cannot invest in an index. Past performance is not an indication of future results and a risk of loss exists. In addition, there can be no assurance that current investments will be realized at valuations shown. Actual realized returns will depend on, among other factors, future operating results, the value of assets and market conditions at the time of disposition, any related transaction costs, and the timing and manner of sale, all of which may differ from the assumptions on which the unrealized valuations contained herein are based. It should not be assumed that any investments in properties described on this website were or will be profitable.
Statements regarding forecasts and projections rely on a number of economic and financial variables and are inherently speculative. Forecasts relating to market conditions, returns and other performance indicators are not guaranteed and are subject to change without notice. Forecasts are based on complex calculations and formulas that contain substantial subjectivity and no express or implied prediction is made hereby with respect to any Clarion Partners investment product. There can be no assurance that market conditions will perform according to any forecast or that a given fund will achieve its objectives or that investors will receive a return of their capital.
The information contained herein, including information supporting forecasts and projections, has been obtained or derived from independent third party sources believed to be reliable but Clarion Partners cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information and has not reviewed the assumptions on which such information is based. This report contains forward-looking statements relating to the plans, objectives, opportunities, future performance and business of real estate funds and the future performance of the U.S. market generally. Such statements are forward-looking in nature and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, and accordingly, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements or examples included in this report and should bear in mind that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. None of Clarion Partners or any of its affiliates or principals or any other individual or entity assumes any obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, subsequent events or any other circumstances. Such statements speak only as of the date that they are originally made.
This material does not constitute investment advice and should not be viewed as a current or past recommendation buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy.